akhirnya!!! kini pasti!!
sukesukesuke sgt2 sbb ak dh blh in blog ni blik.. be4 this forgot the paswed lor.. (aku lmah giler bab nombor ni) its been a years la jugak ak try hack blog ak sndrik (ayat bajet je nih.. gheti x jugak..) lastly dpt jugak.. thank you Allah.. anyway, bla thun mkin mendatang, umur mkin mningkat, ak pon dh jdi matured sikit la.. hehehe.. i am 24 and im proud about it.. right now tgh study, bru sem 2 (dip in age 24?) weird right? humm.. as long my family give a support (+money) =) aku mmng nekad nk blajo betoi2.. sbb pe? sbb ak dh tua.. nk main2 xde mse dh.. well, sem 1 result blh la.. wlaupun x cpai target mnima ak.. and sem 2 ni pon, if dpt stay mcm result lme pon dh kra ok.. mcm2 krisis, mcm2 problem, mcm2 la jdi.. ni sume dugaan.. Allah nk bg phala ni.. aku still bertahan sbb pgang pda satu ayat.. "Jangan kalah pada takdir.." 2-3 days ago, mse tu ak tgh tensen giler.. ye la.. nk ngis x lpas2.. and then frust with my report + re-print blik report + duit byk kluo + someone 2 wat2 x pham keadaan aku = sumbak.. hahah!! ak bukak fb and look at my mom's page.. ade note from i ♥ Islam.. and then ak bce lerr.. katanya.. jgn kalah pda takdir.. and ak agk trkjut bla contoh yg kcundang dgn tkdir ialah IBLIS.. why? iblis be4 become syaiton, iblis adalah ketua malaikat, iblis pling kuat beramal and iblis kecundang msa Allah suruh iblis sujud pada Adam.. start from here, iblis rsa amat tercabar dgn perintah Allah.. why? sbb iblis made from fire meanwhile Adam from tanah.. and, ak pkir blik.. if aku x leh hadapi dugaan kcik cmni? ak ni sama taraf gn iblis ke? ha.. after that, trus ak sjuk hti, ngucap pnjng.. thanks Allah.. sometime, hambamu ini terlupa yg setiap kejadian ade hikmahnyer..